Deploy on Azure


Deployment steps

  1. Click here to deploy OpenClarity’s custom template.

  2. Fill out the required Project details and Instance details in the Basics tab.

    You can set the following parameters:

    SubscriptionTrueAzure subscription where resources will be billed.
    RegionFalseAzure region where resources will be deployed.
    OpenClarity Deploy PostfixTruePostfix for Azure resource group name (e.g. openclarity-<postfix>).
    OpenClarity Server SSH UsernameTrueSSH Username for the OpenClarity Server Virtual Machine.
    OpenClarity Server SSH Public KeyTrueSSH Public Key for the OpenClarity Server Virtual Machine. Paste the contents of ~/.ssh/ here.
    OpenClarity Server VM SizeTrueThe size of the OpenClarity Server Virtual Machine.
    OpenClarity Scanner VMs SizeTrueThe size of the OpenClarity Scanner Virtual Machines.
    Security TypeFalseSecurity Type of the OpenClarity Server Virtual Machine, e.g. TrustedLaunch (default) or Standard.
  3. (Optional) In the Advanced tab, modify the Container Image for each service if a specific OpenClarity version is required. Then, select the delete policy and the database.

    Service Container ImageTrueDocker Container Image to use for each service.
    Asset Scan Delete PolicyTrueDelete Policy for resources created when performing an asset scan, e.g. Always, OnSuccess or Never.
    Database To UseTrueDatabase type to use, e.g. SQLite, PostgreSQL or External PostgreSQL.
  4. Click Review + create to create the deployment.

  5. Once the deployment is completed successfully, copy the OpenClarity SSH address from the Outputs tab.

  6. Open an SSH tunnel to OpenClarity the server

    ssh -N -L 8080:localhost:80 -i  "<Path to the SSH key specified during install>" ubuntu@<OpenClarity SSH Address copied during install>
  7. Access the OpenClarity UI.

    1. Open the OpenClarity UI in your browser at http://localhost:8080/. The dashboard opens.

    2. (Optional) If needed, you can access the API at http://localhost:8080/api. For details on the API, see the API reference.

    OpenClarity UI

Next steps

Complete the First Tasks on the UI.

Last modified September 16, 2024: Doc imorovements (#49) (b39e4a9)