Deploy on Kubernetes
- Install a tool to run local Kubernetes clusters. Here, Kind is used as the default option for creating a local cluster.
- Helm to install OpenClarity.
Deployment steps
To deploy OpenClarity to your Kubernetes cluster, complete the following steps.
Create a Kubernetes cluster.
kind create cluster --name openclarity-k8s
Ensure the Kubernetes cluster is up and running. If you’re using kind, you can check the status of your clusters with the following command:
kind get clusters
Use Helm to install OpenClarity. Run the following command:
helm install openclarity oci:// --version 1.1.2 \ --namespace openclarity --create-namespace \ --set orchestrator.provider=kubernetes \ --set orchestrator.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken=true
Verify that all the OpenClarity pods have been successfully deployed by executing the following command:
kubectl get pods -n openclarity
Wait until all pods are in the
state or have completed their initialization. -
Once the pods are ready, start port forwarding to access the OpenClarity gateway service. Use the following command to forward traffic from your local machine to the cluster:
kubectl port-forward -n openclarity service/openclarity-gateway 8080:80
Access the OpenClarity UI by navigating to http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser.
Next steps
Complete the First Tasks on the UI.
Clean up steps
Uninstall OpenClarity with Helm. Run the following command:
helm uninstall openclarity --namespace openclarity
Delete the Kubernetes cluster.
kind delete clusters openclarity-k8s